At the 10th International Conference of the GSME we will discuss how different environments play a role in the co-construction of functions and values of music teaching and learning in family, school and the community. Physical, cultural, philosophical, social, technological, and digital settings are all included in the term various. We believe that a deeper understanding of these functions can contribute to the transformation of music education and, as an extension, of society. We particularly focus on critical music pedagogy and the bridges between theory, research and practice that enhance equitable access to learning and the advancement of social awareness. We believe in the importance of reflection by those involved in music education in order to develop inclusive and adaptable frameworks that take into consideration the challenges and asymmetries seen in educational, communal, and social contexts.

In a rowdy, complex and ever-changing world that is overloaded with messages from social and mass media, we envision musical encounters with sensitivity, ecological aesthetics and meaning. Each member of a music community has unique talents, expressive capacities, aspirations, goals, and levels of understanding. The value of people's experiences and interests, as well as the musical engagement itself and its purposes, are often undermined when the musical setting does not facilitate connections with their daily lives. Beyond the focus on what, why and how we teach, it is of fundamental importance to reflect upon where, when, to whom and for what purpose we teach. Within this perspective, we are urged to develop our personal, social, ideological, cultural, ethical and aesthetic musical thoughts and attitudes in order to support student-centered approaches towards a more sustainable world.


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