10th International Conference of the Greek Society for Music Education

Music teaching and learning in various environments: 

functions, values, reflections


31/10 - 2/11 2025


Ionian University seal

Ionian University, Corfu 


Co-organized by 


Department of Music Studies


We are excited to announce the 10th International Conference of the Greek Society for Music Education, which will take place from 31 October to 2 November 2025 at the Department of Music Studies of the Ionian University at Corfu, Greece. We will once again have the opportunity to meet face to face and exchange ideas, thoughts, suggestions and reflections on the field of music learning in schools, community and society, since the last in-person conference in 2018.


Scope of the Conference

At the 10th International Conference of the GSME we will discuss how different environments play a role in the co-construction of functions and values of music teaching and learning in family, school and the community. Physical, cultural, philosophical, social, technological, and digital settings are all included in the term various. We believe that a deeper understanding of these functions can contribute to the transformation of music education and, as an extension, of society. We particularly focus on critical music pedagogy and the bridges between theory, research and practice that enhance equitable access to learning and the advancement of social awareness. We believe in the importance of reflection by those involved in music education in order to develop inclusive and adaptable frameworks that take into consideration the challenges and asymmetries seen in educational, communal, and social contexts.


In a rowdy, complex and ever-changing world that is overloaded with messages from social and mass media, we envision musical encounters with sensitivity, ecological aesthetics and meaning. Each member of a music community has unique talents, expressive capacities, aspirations, goals, and levels of understanding. The value of people's experiences and interests, as well as the musical engagement itself and its purposes, are often undermined when the musical setting does not facilitate connections with their daily lives. Beyond the focus on what, why and how we teach, it is of fundamental importance to reflect upon where, when, to whom and for what purpose we teach. Within this perspective, we are urged to develop our personal, social, ideological, cultural, ethical and aesthetic musical thoughts and attitudes in order to support student-centered approaches towards a more sustainable world.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited, to the following:

  1. Natural environments and awareness through music: ecological protection, sustainability, ethical responsibility, climate crisis

  2. Music and sound education experiences, values, and practices

  3. Social musical settings: family, peer groups, communities

  4. Inclusion, marginalization, bullying and exclusion: race, religion, language, gender, sexual orientation, stereotypes, biases, ethics

  5. Music in special education: differentiated and individualized approaches, universal design for learning, links between coexistence and interaction

  6. Music education for social justice and equality: critical pedagogy, social consciousness, consumerism

  7. Interdisciplinary approaches in music education: linking school with daily life and society, strengthening interdisciplinary skills

  8. Curricula and critical approaches: skills, student-centered learning, flipped classroom, interculturality, multisensory experiences, experimentation, imagination, assessment and self-assessment, multi-arts ensembles, metacognition

  9. Historical and cultural perspectives and contemporary educational practices

  10. Meaningful musical experiences: moving and dancing, listening, performing, improvising, composing, arranging, conducting

  11. The nature of musical knowledge: learning with, about, and through music

  12. Digital environment and music Education: networks, multimodality, hybridity, multimedia, video games, artificial intelligence (AI), immersive technologies (virtual, augmented, and mixed reality)

  13. Digital social media platforms: their impact on music learning and personal development

  14. Lifelong learning for music educators: skill development through online courses and MOOCs

  15. Alternative musical instruments: uses and settings, artifacts, constructs from natural or sustainable materials, materials, interfaces, values

  16. Pluralism and musical multiliteracies: contextual variables, communication, cultural codes, representations, popular music, globalization, 'low' and 'high' music culture

  17. Music psychology and identities: shaping musical identity and self perception

  18. Music and communities: social contribution, activism, artivism, well–being, aesthetics of care


Official languages of the Conference: Greek or English (there will be no simultaneous translation provided during the conference)



Abstract submissions

Call for abstracts opens: December 15, 2024

Deadline for proposal submissions: February 28, 2025

Platform for proposal submissions: https://apps.eeme.gr/ 

Notification of acceptance or rejection of the proposal: by early May 2025

The results of the reviews will be available at https://apps.eeme.gr/ 


Authors are invited to submit their abstracts in Greek and English for one of the following categories, or only in English for presentations that will be delivered in English. There will be no simultaneous translation provided during the conference.


- Oral presentations 

  1.  research-based papers (15’ presentation followed by 5' discussion)

  2.  practice-based papers (10’ presentation followed by 5’ discussion)

- Posters (ready to be mounted on A1 size paper, 59.4cm * 84.1 cm)

- Round Tables of 60’ or 90’ duration (presentations up to 15 minutes each and discussion)

- Thematic group presentations in pecha kucha format (30’ presentations followed by 10’ discussion)

- Workshops (60’)

- Artistic presentations submitted in video format (10’ followed by 5’ discussion)


All abstracts will undergo double-blind peer review by members of the Conference Scientific Committee.


Information on acceptance or rejection of abstracts: by early May 2025

The results of the reviews will be available at https://apps.eeme.gr/ 


Instructions for submitting abstracts for peer review


- Oral presentations/posters

Those interested to submit an abstract for an oral or a poster presentation need to send for review their proposal in Greek and in English, or only in English if the presentation will be delivered in English (300-350 words with 3-5 references and 3-5 keywords), and a short CV (up to 100 words).


- Workshops

Those interested in submitting a proposal for a workshop need to send for review, a description of the subject and methodology of their workshop, in Greek and in English, or only in English if the presentation will be delivered in English (400-500 words with 1-3 references and 3-5 keywords), the equipment they need, and a short CV (up to 100 words).


- Round tables

Those submitting a proposal for a round table need to send, for review, in Greek and in English, or only in English if the round table will be delivered in English, the title, a description of the topic (400-500 words with 3-5 references and 3-5 keywords), the names of the co-presenters and their qualifications, as well as the titles of their presentations.


- Artistic presentations in video format

Those interested in submitting proposals for artistic presentations in video format, need to send their abstracts for evaluation as follows: 

The videos to be reviewed should be uploaded as unlisted in a private YouTube channel. Afterwards, the link, as well as the contact details of the person responsible (name, title, phone number and email) should be uploaded in the appropriate field at the platform https://apps.eeme.gr/ by April 7, 2025. The selected videos will be presented during the conference. 


The submitted videos should meet the following criteria: 

  1. The artistic product must be original  

  2. The total duration of the video must be 3' - 5' 

  3. The video must not be published on social media

  4. The content must be relevant to the themes of the Conference

  5. The video should abide to the following technical specifications

  • Video quality: 720p or 1080p HD (Frame rate: 25 fps / Ratio: 16:9)
  • Audio quality: 128 kbps bitrate or higher

It is the responsibility of the leader of the group to secure all necessary permissions and consent from the participants and their parents/guardians to present the accepted video at the conference.


Registration of presenters and participants


Registration fee for presenters: Until June 1st  From June 2nd to June 30th 

Members of GSME (2025)

Non-members of GSME

Undergraduate students members of GSME (2025)

Undergraduate students  (2025)

55 €

85 €

10 €

20 €

80 €

110 €

20 €

30 € 

Registration fee for participants: Until June 1st  After June 2nd  

Members of GSME (2025)

Non members of GSME (2025) 

Undergraduate students, members of GSME(2025)

Undergraduate students, non members of GSME

25 €

55 €


15 €

35 €

65 €

10 €

25 €


You can download the 10th Conference GSME Call: pdf10th_Conference_GSME_Call1ΕΝ.pdf


Submissions/Registration: https://apps.eeme.gr/ - Information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.