Thematic axes of the 9th Conference of the Greek Society for Music Education
- Identities and diversities in music and music education
- Musical experiences in schools, conservatories and communities
- Pluralism and hierarchy of values in music education
- Music education in everyday life
- Music education and dominant culture
- Issues of representations and ideologies in music education (race, gender, language, class, culture, etc.)
- Music against school bullying
- Music Education and Critical Pedagogy
- Musical experiences, lifelong learning and well-being
- New literacies (digital, multimodal, e-information)
- Ideologies and socio-political values in music curricula
- Educational policies for music education
- Pedagogy of popular music
-The hidden curriculum in school and conservatory (implicit values, musical hegemonic discourse)
- New musical-technological experiences
- Digital music communities and virtual ensembles
- Teachers training
- Music education in special and inclusive education
- History of music education in Greece
- Music education, social justice and human rights
- Music teaching and learning in formal, non-formal and informal settings
- Multimodal actions in music education
- Multi-arts performances in schools, conservatories and communities
- Instrumental and Ensemble Teaching: philosophy, methodologies and good practices