
1) Thomas Maropoulos: Songs. 

2) Chryssi Parpara: Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" - Four guides for listening and a teaching plan. 

3) Elisabeth Koupourtiadou: Nikos Skalkotas "36 Greek dances for orchestra"

4) Maria Zachariadou: "The magic major scale". 

5) Georgios Giatsos: March.


1) Thomas Maropoulos

Four songs by Thomas Maropoulos

2) Chryssi Parpara
Vivaldi’s "Four Seasons" - Four guides for listening and a teaching plan

The present teaching plan uses four guides for listening to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" (Spring, part 1, Summer, part 1, Autumn, part 3, Winter, part 1). After having understood the basic structure of these parts, students can be paint in the empty squares and make their own music for the same pictures of nature. In this way they are creatively involved in music making and understanding fundamental qualities of music.

3) Elisabeth Koupourtiadou
Nikos Skalkottas "36 Greek dances for orchestra"

Becoming familiar with the Greek composer Nikos Skalkottas and his work "36 Greek dances for orchestra". A teaching plan for high school students.

4) Maria Zachariadou
"The magic major scale"

Two teaching plans for introducing first grade children to the major scale.

5) Georgios Giatsos

A teaching suggestion for the understanding of March by means of conscious hearing and performing rhythmic motives on percussion instruments, suitable for the 2nd and 3rd grade of Secondary School.