5η Ημερίδα "Back to school" των E.E.Μ.Ε. & Ε.Σ.Μ.Α.
Με μεγάλη χαρά οργανώνουμε και φέτος την 5η Ημερίδα Back to School της Ε.Ε.Μ.Ε. και του Ε.Σ.Μ.Α. στις 5 Οκτωβρίου (εξ αποστάσεως) και στις 6 Οκτωβρίου (δια ζώσης) σε Αθήνα και Θεσσαλονίκη. Αν ενδιαφέρεστε να συμμετάσχετε παρακαλούμε να συμπληρώσετε την παρακάτω φόρμα μέχρι την Τετάρτη 2 Οκτωβρίου 2024. Η παρακολούθηση για τα μέλη είναι δωρεάν, για τα μη μέλη 10 ευρώ.
Μποτείτε να δείτε τις περιλήψεις και τα βιογραφικά των εισηγητών και των εισηγητριών εδώ: Περιλοηψεις_-_Back_to_School.pdf
Η εγγραφή πραγματοποιείται στην παρακάτω φόρμα:
Αναλυτικό πρόγραμμα:
16:50-17:00 | Άνοιγμα της πλατφόρμας |
17:00-17:05 | Καλωσόρισμα από την πρόεδρο του Δ.Σ. της ΕΕΜΕ, Ελισσάβετ Περακάκη και την πρόεδρο του Δ.Σ. του Ε.Σ.Μ.Α. Orff, Μαρία Σαπλαούρα |
17:05-17:30 | Παναγιώτης Ανδρέογλου : Αρχή σχολικής χρονιάς: Το ζέσταμα της μαθητικής ορχήστρας |
17:35-18:00 | Μαρία Γούβαλη: Digital tools: Play and learn |
18:05-18:30 | Παναγιώτης Τσιρίδης – Σέβη Ματσακίδου: Music for Active Citizenship (MAC) |
18:35-19:00 | Πέπη Μιχαηλίδου – Χρυσάνθη Γρηγορίου – Κάθριν Ξενοφώντος: In-Voice4Mpowerment in action: Πρακτικές εφαρμογές για την προώθηση της κοινωνικής συμπερίληψης μέσω καινοτόμων χορωδιακών προσεγγίσεων, ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών και πρακτικών |
19:00-19:30 | Συζήτηση-Απορίες |
ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 06/10, Θεσσαλονίκη, Γραφεία της ΕΕΜΕ, 11:00-13:00
11:00-11:40 | Βασιλική Ψύρρα: Ping pong! - Παιχνιδιάρικες μουσικές δραστηριότητες ζεστάματος |
11:45-12:20 | Αγγελική Κάρτσιου: Ο ρυθμός στο σώμα και στο χώρο |
12:25-13:00 | Νατάσα Τσακηρίδου: Διδασκαλία ελληνικού παραδοσιακού τραγουδιού |
ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 06/10, Αθήνα, Σχολή Ματέυ , 11:00-13:00
11:00-11:30 | Μαρία Σαπλαούρα -Αντιγόνη Ζάχαρη: GPS Back2school |
11:30-12:00 | Γιώτα Αθανασούλια: Ο ήχος ταξιδεύει σαν το κύμα που σκάει στην ακροθαλασσιά και μαζεύει όσα τα βότσαλα άκουσαν και είδαν |
12:00-12:30 | Ρία Θεοδώρου: Ανιχνεύοντας τη φωνή μου: σώμα - ομάδα - συνήχηση |
12:30-13:00 | Γιώργος Χαρωνίτης: Πώς ένας χορός θα μας οδηγήσει στην πρώτη μας μουσική δραστηριότητα μέσα στην τάξη |
Όσοι δεν είναι μέλη της Ε.Ε.Μ.Ε και του Ε.Σ.Μ.Α. παρακαλούνται να υποβάλλουν το αποδεικτικό της τραπεζικής κατάθεσης:
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Παρακαλούμε εάν δεν είστε μέλος να υποβάλετε στο σχετικό πεδίο της φόρμας το αποδεικτικό της κατάθεσης στην τράπεζα. Εναλλακτικά μπορείτε να το αποστείλετε στο This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες και ερωτήσεις: eeme.gr & This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
1η Διαδικτυακή συνάντηση της ομάδας - "Προσχολική και την Πρωτοβάθμια Μουσική Εκπαίδευση"
Η ομάδα εργασίας για την Προσχολική και την Πρωτοβάθμια Μουσική Εκπαίδευση επαναδραστηριοποιείται με μια μουσική συνάντηση γνωριμίας. Άτομα που θέλουν να γίνουν μέλη και άτομα που θέλουν έρθουν σε επαφή με την ομάδα, καλούνται να συμμετάσχουν το Σάββατο 17/2/24 και ώρα 17:00 – 19:00 στην 1η διαδικτυακή συνάντηση της ομάδας. Στο δίωρο αυτό, εκτός από τη γνωριμία με την ομάδα εργασίας, θα παρουσιαστεί υλικό και μουσικές προτάσεις για την Αποκριά. Εισηγήτριες θα είναι η Ανθή Θάνου (αφηγήτρια παραμυθιών) και η Κατερίνα Κουθούρη (μουσικοπαιδαγωγός), ενώ θα συμβάλουν με ιδέες οι προσωρινές επικεφαλείς της ομάδας εργασίας, Δέσποινα Καλανταρίδου και Βασιλική Ψύρρα. Όσα μέλη της ΕΕΜΕ ενδιαφέρονται να συμμετέχουν ενεργά στην ομάδα μπορούν να να συμπληρώσουν τα στοιχεία τους την παρακάτω φόρμα :
Tribute to Maria Lewander-Androutsos
Music Definition and Music Education: many perspectives, many voices, many questions
Music Definition and Music Education: many perspectives, many voices, many questions
May Kokkidou (MEd, PhD, post-PhD)
Proofreading: Regina Saltari
Cover design: Yannis Mygdanis, May Kokkidou
Layout: Yannis Mygdanis
ISBN: 978-618-83465-6-7
The definition of music is complicated by several factors. Music is everywhere. It holds sociability and individuality, freedom and limits. It is situated historically, philosophically, culturally, politically, economically, and ideologically, in a complex system of symbolic meanings. It has acquired various meanings and bears various connotations. In semiotic terms, music is polysemic: a complex signifier with many signifieds. From the very beginning of human history, people have tried to explain the nature of music and its importance in human life.
This book addresses issues about music’s definition, through the implementation of a project conducted between 2017 and 2019 with post-graduate students (pre-service and in-service music educators) who had been teaching music for several years. The ultimate goal was to gain sight of the big picture of the music world(s) and bring meaning to concepts and ideas by moving beyond mere definitions.
Questions about the nature, value and meaning of music should be considered and meditated not only for their own sake, but as a road to seek ways by which to act ethically-pedagogically-musically in our classes. Music waits to be seen in new dimensions. I hope that this book will stimulate fruitful discussions in the field of music education.
© Greek Society for Music Education (GSME), 2021
GSME history
Presentation of the Greek Society for Music Education (GSME)
The Greek Society for Music Education (GSME) was founded in March 1997. It is a non-profit, scientific organization, with the main purpose of promoting music education in Greece and of developing music education as a field of scientific study. It implements research projects concerning the place of music in social life, in the mass media and especially in education. GSME also collaborates and exchanges data with universities, music pedagogical foundations, social unions, and governmental institutions, especially with international societies that work on the same purpose in Europe and in the other continents. GSME, among other things, organizes seminars, lectures and conferences on various areas of music education.
GSME shares the basic principles, function and goals of International Society for Music Education (ISME). From 1998 to 2018, GSME was an ISME National Affiliate Organization for Greece. Since 2018, GSME is a founding member of the Council of Professional Associations of ISME. Additionally, from 2020 collaborates with the UK branch of the European String Teachers Association (ESTA-UK).
GSME’s work is based only on the voluntary and generous offers of its members. Since 1998 GSME publishes the annual journal Music Education with practical teaching ideas and lesson plans (21 issues to date), under the supervision of its Editorial Board. Also, since 2004, the society publishes the annual refereed scientific journal Musical Pedagogics, under the supervision of a Chief Editor and a Scientific Committee (9 issues to date). Both journals include English abstracts. Furthermore GSME publishes the quarterly newsletter The News of GSME (44 issues to date) and maintains a constantly updated website at www.eeme.gr
G.S.M.E has also published:
- Lelouda Stamou (Ed.) (2019). Dialectics and Innovation in Music Education [in Greek with abstracts in English]. Thessaloniki: Greek Society for Music Education.
- Ratliff, Ν. Μ., & Bazmadelis, Α. (2017). Directory of Music Libraries and Collections in Greece [in English]. Thessaloniki: Greek Society for Music Education.
- May Kokkidou (2017). From Kindergarten to early childhood [in English]. Thessaloniki: Greek Society for Music Education.
- May Kokkidou (2009). European Music Curricula: Philosophical Orientations, Trends, and Comparative Validation (in English). Thessaloniki: Greek Society for Music Education.
Xanthoula Papapanagiotou (Ed.) (2009). Issues in Music Education [in Greek]. Thessaloniki: Greek Society for Muaic Edication.
Zoe Dionyssiou & Sophia Aggelidou (Eds.) (2008). School Music Education: Planning, methodology and applications matters [in Greek]. Thessaloniki: Greek Society for Music Education.
GSME has formed working groups and committees in the areas of pre-school music education, primary music education, secondary music education, the pedagogy of piano teaching and music in special education. At its headquarters in Thessaloniki, there is a library with music education materials (books, journals, videotapes, CDs and CDRoms and the like). The society continually informs its members and visitors of its activities and updates in the field of music education, through its website.
GSME has organized until now 7 webinars, 80 seminars/workshops, 7 series of seminars in different aspects of teachers’ lifelong training, 20 lectures, 6 one day conferences, 2 two day conferences, has supported the organizing of music educational-theatrical performances and co-organized several artistic events in collaboration with various cultural organizations. Additionally, the Society has organized 8 national/international conferences, and 1 with the collaboration of the Music Department of the Ionian University.
The 1st GSME Conference was held on June 26-28, 1998 and the 2nd Conference on June 30 - July 2, 2000, both in Thessaloniki. The 3rd Conference, celebrating the 5th GSME Anniversary, was held on June 28-30 2002, in Volos. The 4th Conference was held in Lamia 1-3 July 2005. The 5th GSME Conference, celebrating the organization’s 10th Anniversary, was held in 2007, June 29th–July 1st, at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall (TCH). The 6th International Conference of the Greek Society for Music Education was co-organized by GSME, the Athens Concert Hall Organisation and the Music Library of Greece "Lilian Voudouri" and took place in Athens on 30 October-1 November 2009.
In 2012 GSME organized the 30th ISME World Conference on Music Education.
During the last biennium, GSME opened a new area of activities by organizing and implementing Educational Programs for Schools. In 2010 the society designed and implemented the educational program called Melodic City and in 2011 another one called The Strings narrate…stories for children, both at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall.
With its rapidly growing membership, its scientific profile, and its recognized national status, the Society is the only organization in the country that its membership covers all educational levels and supports and promotes music education in Greece. The GSME Board of Directors, Committees and all officers engaged work also in advocacy matters and bring proposals for improvement on music education matters to the Greek State e.g. Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and the Pedagogical Institute.
You may communicate with G.S.M.E.
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by post:
Greek Society for Music Education
Proxenou Koromila 51,
546 22
Members may visit the offices and the library every Saturday from 11:00 to 14:00.
G.S.M.E. Headquarters are located at 51 Proxenou Koromila Str. in Thessaloniki. They house the society's secretariat as well as its library, which contains a sizeable number of books, periodicals, catalogues, LP's, CD's, videotapes etc., all related to issues that pertain to the field of music education.
These resources are available to the members of G.S.M.E. to borrow, free of any charge.