Music Definition - FinalMusic Definition and Music Education: many perspectives, many voices, many questions

May Kokkidou (MEd, PhD, post-PhD)

Proofreading: Regina Saltari

Cover design: Yannis Mygdanis, May Kokkidou

Layout: Yannis Mygdanis


ISBN: 978-618-83465-6-7



The definition of music is complicated by several factors. Music is everywhere. It holds sociability and individuality, freedom and limits. It is situated historically, philosophically, culturally, politically, economically, and ideologically, in a complex system of symbolic meanings. It has acquired various meanings and bears various connotations. In semiotic terms, music is polysemic: a complex signifier with many signifieds. From the very beginning of human history, people have tried to explain the nature of music and its importance in human life.

This book addresses issues about music’s definition, through the implementation of a project conducted between 2017 and 2019 with post-graduate students (pre-service and in-service music educators) who had been teaching music for several years. The ultimate goal was to gain sight of the big picture of the music world(s) and bring meaning to concepts and ideas by moving beyond mere definitions.

Questions about the nature, value and meaning of music should be considered and meditated not only for their own sake, but as a road to seek ways by which to act ethically-pedagogically-musically in our classes. Music waits to be seen in new dimensions. I hope that this book will stimulate fruitful discussions in the field of music education.


 pdfKokkidou, M. (2021). Music Definition and Music Education: many perspectives, many voices, many questions. Thessaloniki: GSME.


© Greek Society for Music Education (GSME), 2021